News about concrete admixtures, colours surface protection
News about concrete admixtures, colours surface protection
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The visit highlighted Ha-Be manufactured solutions for challenging infrastructure ‎projects

Ha-Be Middle East welcomed the Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq) on ‎Tuesday, 14th January 2020. ‎The attending members of the delegation received briefings and ‎information on Ha-‎Be’s manufacturing facilities, construction trends and market information as well as a guided ‎site ‎tour.‎ ‎
The site visit highlighted Ha-Be manufactured solutions for challenging infrastructure ‎projects ‎including concrete admixtures, concrete colours and surface protection systems. ‎

Ulrich Meyer, Managing Director of Ha-Be along with Klaus Hofmann, General Manager of Ha-Be ‎Middle East and Said Al Lawati, the Regional Manager in UAE, was honoured to receive a delegation ‎from Shurooq, sice Ha-Be recognises Shurooq as the driving force behind ‎the transformation of Sharjah and as an ‎essential partner for future infrastructure development. Therefore, Ha-Be informed about some of its ‎innovative admixture concepts and technologies for concrete used in challenging construction ‎projects. With an overview of the Antipor® and Protect® product range, Ha-Be presented options ‎and technical solutions to enhance the durability and sustainability of manufactured concrete ‎products for Shurooq’s representative infrastructure and landscaping projects.‎

Shurooq was established in 2009 with the aim of achieving social, cultural, environmental and ‎economic development on the basis of Sharjah's distinct Arab and Islamic identity, and to encourage ‎investment by adopting the best international standards in providing quality services that help attract ‎investors from the region and the world. Shurooq's key mission is to provide facilities and incentives ‎to help overcome obstacles facing investment activities in the Emirate, evaluate tourism and ‎investment related infrastructure projects, and lay down the necessary plans to complete such ‎projects.‎

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